I would like to honor the GDPR customer request :
I do not want Marketing Cloud to track my messaging and online behavior.
For that and according to the documentation here : https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=consent_management_marketing.htm&type=5 DoNotTrack functionality is capable of honoring this request for Email. But what about the other channels ?
Also, there is a new REST API route called /contacts/v1/contacts/id:{contactId}/Preferences
that has an attribute hasOptedOutTracking in https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.noversion.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/addContactPreferencesById.htm, what does it stand for ?
For a test contact, I updated hasOptedOutTracking to true but DoNotTrack profile attribute was not updated accordingly. So they must two be different features.
So here my questions :
- How to achieve Consent management accross Email, Push and Web
- What is the difference between hasOptedOutTracking and DoNotTrack