I have a custom datatable with a custom column type containing a button, and a modal that pops up after the button is clicked.
I am having trouble figuring out how to send my datatable data to the modal and have it appear in the modal. The data is returned in JSON format, but when I reference the field names like I do in the other columns, salesforce treats them like strings rather than variables.
Please see attached screenshots.
Any help would be much appreciated!
@track columns = [
{ label: 'DETAILS', type: 'detailsButton', fieldName: 'details', fixedWidth: 70, cellAttributes: { alignment: "center" }, typeAttributes:
car: '?',
tag: '?',
entryDateTime: 'this.trips.entryDateTime',
entryPoint: 'entryPoint',
exitDateTime: 'exitDateTime',
exitPoint: 'exitPoint',
{ label: 'COLOR', fieldName: 'color', type: 'text', fixedWidth: 90},
{ label: 'CAR', fieldName: 'car', type: 'text', initialWidth: 90, sortable: true},
{ label: 'TAG', fieldName: 'tag', type: 'text', fixedWidth: 70, sortable: true},
{ label: 'ENTRY DATE/TIME', fieldName: 'entryDateTime', type: 'text', sortable: true},
{ label: 'ENTRY POINT', fieldName: 'entryPoint', type: 'text', sortable: true},
{ label: 'EXIT DATE/TIME', fieldName: 'exitDateTime', type: 'text', sortable: true},
{ label: 'EXIT POINT', fieldName: 'exitPoint', type: 'text', sortable: true}