We are pulling data into a Marketing CLoud Data Extension from Salesforce CRM using a SQL Query (from a Salesforce Campaign). The issue we have is the date data that is pulled through is US date/time however we are in New Zealand so when we output it into an email is shows the wrong date/time(16hrs out).
Is there a easy way to convert the date into NZ time using Ampscript or ideally at a SQL level it converts the date to New Zealand date/time?
The Data Extension name is FMPCampaign Field we are using is StartDate
The email is being sent to Data Extension A, the Start Date is being pulled from Data Extension B
Code we have in the email to get the data from the Data Extension B is
%%[ SET @rows = LookupRows("FMPCampaign_Data" ,"Status", 'Open') IF RowCount(@rows) > 0 THEN
SET @row = Row(@rows,1)
SET @price = Field(@row,"Net_Price__c")
SET @StartDate = Field(@row,"StartDate")