We are pulling data into a Marketing CLoud Data Extension from Salesforce CRM using a SQL Query (from a Salesforce Campaign). The issue we have is the date data that is pulled through is US date/time however we are in New Zealand so when we output it into an email is shows the wrong date/time(16hrs out).

Is there a easy way to convert the date into NZ time using Ampscript or ideally at a SQL level it converts the date to New Zealand date/time?

The Data Extension name is FMPCampaign Field we are using is StartDate

The email is being sent to Data Extension A, the Start Date is being pulled from Data Extension B

Code we have in the email to get the data from the Data Extension B is

%%[ SET @rows = LookupRows("FMPCampaign_Data" ,"Status", 'Open') IF RowCount(@rows) > 0 THEN SET @row = Row(@rows,1) SET @price = Field(@row,"Net_Price__c") SET @StartDate = Field(@row,"StartDate") ENDIF ]%%

1 Answer 1


Using AMPScript:

You can achieve this using the SystemDateToLocalDate AMPscript function. Basically this function converts the date and time to the current local time.

For example:

StartDate: %%=SystemDateToLocalDate(AttributeValue('StartDate'))=%%

Updated script:

SET @rows = LookupRows("FMPCampaign_Data" ,"Status", 'Open') 
IF RowCount(@rows) > 0 THEN 
    SET @row = Row(@rows,1) 
    SET @price = Field(@row,"Net_Price__c") 
    SET @StartDate = Field(@row,"StartDate")
    SET @StartDateLocal = SystemDateToLocalDate(@StartDate)

StartDate: %%=v(@StartDateLocal)=%%

Using SQL:

The second option is to use SQL to add 16 hours to the date and time column (StartDate).

For example:

SELECT DateAdd(hh,16,StartDate) AS StartDate
FROM FMPCampaign

Note: Using the SQL method doesn't settle during the daylight savings. If you're going to output the date and time in an email, using the AMPScript is recommended.

  • Thanks Brad, the SQL worked however I just realised i was missing some key info for the email using the attribute output it would good to use the SystemDateToLocalDate option, any chance you can take a look at the update i made to my original post
    – Andyw
    Commented Sep 10, 2019 at 3:10
  • @Andyw i have updated your script and added to my solution. Commented Sep 10, 2019 at 3:52
  • @Brad-Spakota thanks for that, for some reason Marketing Cloud is returning a error "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime." yet the Data extension field is a date field and i doubled check CRM and that to is set to date field so both are. Any ideas? Might have to run with the SQL option
    – Andyw
    Commented Sep 10, 2019 at 20:24
  • @Andyw are you able to post the date and time field data value and the error screenshot here? Commented Sep 11, 2019 at 2:47
  • @Brad-Spakota Sure, display date/time value from the data extension is 08 September 2019 13:00 Raw data is 08/09/2019 13:00:00 when downloading data extension and opening in notepad - link to screenshot: we.tl/t-zoTmzjxRLM
    – Andyw
    Commented Sep 11, 2019 at 3:29

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