This happens both with the lightning-record-form, and using lightning-record-edit-form when defining a field with lightning-input-field with a "time" field. Instead of showing a dropdown list to pick times from, it's just a simple input box. It also broken in that it requires HH:mm:ss time format instead of natural "hh:mm a" format.
I first noticed this when I wanted to call a native form and since Salesforce Lightning native forms are made in Aura, the equivalent is to use lightning-record-form in LWC. Of course, it looks nothing like the native salesforce one when doing the same form call in Aura Components, but I wasn't expecting the time field to be soo broken like that, to the point that it's useless.
Outside of making a custom form, or hacking up lightning-input-field and having awkward validation errors (mismatch; replacing non-input-fields with regular fields doesn't show validity errors at the same time), is there a solution to this? Is this a known issue??
EDIT# This is not a duplicate question because the one linked is for "AURA", not LWC. Thanks.