This seems to be pretty simple but I kinda lost right now. I want to create a LWC based on two custom objects which has a master-detail relationship.

I have a 'master' object Product__c

  • Name
  • Id
  • etc

and the 'detail' object Product_Version__c

  • Name
  • Id
  • Product__c (Master-Detail (Product))
  • Pre_Version__c (Lookup(Product Version))
  • etc

I need to get field 'Id' and 'Pre_Version__c' from Product_Version__c based on the Product__c.Id

I know the SOQL command to get them:

SELECT (SELECT Id, Name, Pre_Version__c From Product_Versions__r),Name FROM Product__c WHERE Id = 'abcde'

I also know how to use wire to get fields from an object, but not from the child/detail object.

How do I get fields from the child/detail object (Product_Version__c) based only on Product__c.Id?


import { LightningElement,api,wire} from 'lwc';
import { getRecord, getRecordUi } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
import productVersion from '@salesforce/schema/Product_Version__c';

const fields = [

const productVersionFields = [

export default class ProductVersion extends LightningElement {
@api recordId;
recordId= 'abcde';
@wire(getRecord, { recordId: '$recordId', fields })

get name() {
    return this.product.data ? this.product.data.fields.Name.value : "";

get id() {
    return this.product.data ? this.product.data.fields.Id.value : "";

 @wire(getRecordUi, { recordIds: '$recordId', childRelationships: "Product.Product_Versions" })

    //Product Version object
    get preVersion() {
        return this.productVersion.data ? this.productVersion.data.fields.Pre_Version__c .value : "";

    get childId() {
        return this.productVersion.data ? this.productVersion.data.fields.Id.value : "";
  • @glls Hi, thank you for the link. I have edited the code and it is still not working. In my case, I only know the Record ID of the parent object. How do I dynamically get the ID of the child object?
    – user2018
    Commented Sep 3, 2019 at 8:25


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