Please Help, i'm new to AMPSCript here is the error that i get: Error Message:
ExactTarget.OMM.FunctionExecutionException: Invalid index (parameter 2) passed to Row function. Index must be less than or equal to the row count
Index Value: 1
Row Count: 0
Function: ROW(@From,1)
- from OMMCommon
Here is my code copied from the HTML, it's inside an email
<custom name="opencounter" type="tracking"> <!--%%[
VAR @Relationship_Manager
VAR @From
SET @Relationship_Manager = [Lead:Relationship_Manager__c]
SET @From = RetrieveSalesforceObjects('User', 'Id,FirstName,LastName,Email,Phone', 'Id', '=', @Relationship_Manager)
Set @row = ROW(@From,1)
Set @FirstName = FIELD(@row ,"FirstName")
Set @LastName = FIELD(@row ,"LastName")
Set @Email = FIELD(@row ,"Email")
Set @Phone = FIELD(@row ,"Phone")