I am trying to pass a list of pick list values dynamically to lightning-combobox , but the values are not rendering in the list. Below is the sample code i am writing.
JS Code:
@track EmpList= [{ label: "Emp1", value: "EMP1Code"},{ label: "Emp2", value: "EMP2Code"}];
HTML Code:
<template if:true={EmpList}>
<lightning-combobox label="Select an Employee"
name="del_emp" class="del_emp"
placeholder="Select an Employee"
The picklist is coming on UI, but the values are not available to select, is there something wrong i am doing?
-- As Rahul mentioned i have updated the options and it's working well, but when i try to add additional picklist values using JS function Combobox Is not reflecting the newly added ones.
JS Code:
this.AddressList.push({ label: "Emp3", value: "EMP3Code"});
Before above code ran below is the console.log output
After adding the value below is the console.log output
Even though the values are coming in the console.log the picklist is not reflecting the latest added values.