We use the force.com platform in combination with Marketing Cloud. We have journey's running with DE's which are updated by automations. Plus we have journeys running on Salesforce Data.
The problem is that our account managers update the email addresses of our users on regular base.
My question: How can i make sure that users who are already in a journey, and their email address has been changed by our account manager (or by themself via their profile), that this new email address is used from that point on instead of the old email address?
Problem is that journeys with a DE as entry event which is updated by an automation will use the old email address, because the data were the user enters the journey with will remain the same. Can we in a way update the email address of this user?
When entry event of a journey is Salesforce Data, the email address of the user isn't updated as well during the journey right?
All in all, how can i solve this problem?
Cheers, Wouter