I am trying to configure SMTP Relay with GMail through salesforce. I have white-listed all the email Ips and ranges called out in the salesforce help doc in Gsuite for smtp relay, and it seems to be working for SF email alerts, but not when using APEX outbound emails(Messaging.SingleEmailMessage). When I check the header of the emails sent through APEX, I am finding the SPF IP is not on Salesforce IP Address help article. One example is The emails are still coming through but I am getting SPF SOFTFAIL, and the question mark next on the sender icon from gmail, saying it might be spam. enter image description here enter image description here It seems the IPs also keep changing.

Does anyone know if there are specific IP ranges I need to add to verify my domain? Do I need to set up DKIM?

Thank you for your help!

1 Answer 1


When I check the header of the emails sent through APEX, I am finding the SPF IP is not on Salesforce IP Address help article. One example is is in the first IP address range in the help article, that range being - Please double-check all of the ranges you've entered in to your SPF settings. You need to add the ranges correctly in order for everything to work. You do not need DKIM.

  • Thank you, for replying. I am have added all the IP ranges, but its still failing the SPF test. I cant add the full range to the Gsuite settings because it has a limit 65536 per range, so I had to split them up into 4 seperate chunks like this,,, Am I doing this wrong? Commented Aug 1, 2019 at 3:13
  • I solved my issue, my problem was that I had not set up the email domain filter. After I set that up everything worked just fine Commented Aug 1, 2019 at 13:38

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