I am working on a simple app to retrieve field permissions and then trying to update back. However, if I change the data using UI, I don't see the changed data in the log. I see this blog by @sfdcfox mentioned that wired data is immutable and we have to clone it. In my case, it is not wired data and I am calling apex method using a button, but still, I cloned the data and try to use it.
The data is reading properly, but no updates are manipulating the data.
HTML table:
<template if:true={permissionData}>
<template for:each={permissionData} for:item="perm">
<tr key={perm.key}>
<td key={perm.key}>
<lightning-input type="checkbox" ></lightning-input>
<td key={perm.key}>
<div class="slds-truncate" title="Name"> {perm.key} </div>
<template for:each={perm.value} for:item="permActions">
<td key={permActions.Id}>
<lightning-input type="checkbox" label="Read" checked={permActions.readvalue} onchange={statusChanged}></lightning-input>
<lightning-input type="checkbox" label="Edit" checked={permActions.editvalue} onchange={statusChanged}></lightning-input>
fetchPermissions({ sObjectName: 'Account', fieldList: JSON.stringify(this.selectedOptionsList)})
.then(data => {
this.permissionData =[];
let mutableData = Object.assign({},data);
for(let key in mutableData) {
// Preventing unexcepted data
if (mutableData.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // Filtering the data in the loop
this.permissionData.push({value:mutableData[key], key:key});
let recordsCount = this.permissionData.length;
this.totalrecords = recordsCount;
if (recordsCount !== 0 && !isNaN(recordsCount)) {
this.totalpages = Math.ceil(recordsCount / this.pagesize)
.catch(error => {
this.error = error;
Error: If you see the screenshot, after loading the data I unchecked the Read and Write input checkbox, however in the console it is still showing both "true".
Note: The reason, I was not able to use data table is that the data is complex which I was not able not to fit into the data table. For example, having two checkboxes in the same cell.
handle update:
window.console.log('Updated List: '+JSON.stringify(this.permissionData));