I'm trying to access the id assigned to the tag where where I'm calling the js method.

                    <template for:each={errorList} for:item='objError'>
                        <li key={objError.Id}>
                            <a id={objError.Id} type={objError.type} class="slds-text-link_reset" onclick={handleErrorClick}>
                            <lightning-icon icon-name="utility:jump_to_bottom" size="xx-small" class="slds-p-right_small" alternative-text={objError.error}></lightning-icon>

JS :

        /* eslint-disable no-console */
        console.log('event : ' ,event.target.Id);

How can I get the value held in the Id attribute.

  • You should never reference an id, as they are changed by the framework
    – glls
    Commented Jul 17, 2019 at 23:31

2 Answers 2


You did not shared what is not working - but my guess is that you don`t get a value?

  1. the attribute is called id - not Id
  2. lighnting-icon is a child of your link and can therefore be the event target - but it has no id attribute
  3. Salesforce recommends to not use id atrributes as they are modified by the framework (and i guess you want to use it to lookup the item in your list) - you should you use an alternative like a data attribute

Here is an example which uses a data attribute and css in order to prevent fireing the event from the lightning-icon element:



You cannot use Id in LWC as they are modified at runtime by framework. Instead use some other attributes (preferably data- attributes) for identification.

Here is the detailed explanation: https://salesforcesas.home.blog/2019/07/16/lwc-selectors-identification-of-elements/

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