I've just recently started getting an error:
The provided package ID '0Ho1C0000004C9wSAE' is invalid.
when trying to run sfdx force:package:version:create
This was previously working exactly as I'm doing it now (I've released multiple versions; haven't made changes to sfdx-project.json
If I run sfdx force:pacakge:list
I see my package version listed out.
Namespace Prefix Name Id Alias Description Type
──────────────── ──────────── ────────────────── ──────────── ───────────────────────────────────── ────────
VARS env-vars 0Ho1C0000004C9wSAE env-vars Salesforce Enviroment Vars Management Unlocked
VARS vars-encrypt 0Ho1C0000004CA6SAM vars-encrypt Salesforce Enviroment Vars Management Managed
Why all of a sudden would it stop working?