I am thinking it is time to try start moving the largest org I work on from meta-data format to source. This is not something I want to do all at once. I planned to start with a small package and move from there.
My question is how would you keep your old src folder and the force-app folder on Github? I don't know if this is recommended or if I should just start a new repo for SFDX? Right now I seem to be making a total hash of things by trying to keep both formats in the same repo.
I was trying to create an SFDX project and clone the Github repo with the metadata format into that. But I am just making a mess and creating unrelated merge histories.
I am curious what the best practice is here.
I was reading a post by SFDCFox git repo design pattern for sfdx projects
Should I just create a repo for each project in DX rather than a happy soup repo with a mix of source and meta-data?