In Marketing Cloud, I have created a Customer Journey with an API event as entry source and a corresponding (sendable) Data Extension. When I make the request to the API with Postman, I only get a 403 Forbidden
response with the following message:
"Insufficient privileges to complete this action"
My request body looks as follows, according to this and this posts:
POST /interaction/v1/events
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer MY_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN
"ContactKey": "abc123",
"EstablishContactKey": true,
"Data": {
"DataExtensionColumn1": "Value1",
"DataExtensionColumn2": "Value2" }
Can anybody give me a hint on what I am missing? The Installed Package with API Integration has Read/Write permissions on both Data Extensions and Customer Journeys (and also Execute for Customer Journeys).