I Built a lightning component which is used in opportunity layout. This component used some child component as lightning tab.

The problem is when I edit and change some value in first tab is not reflecting the second tab I need to refresh the page to see the updated value in second tab.

My question is how to refresh the tab while switching.

my code looks like below:

    <lightning:tabset selectedTabId="two">
        <lightning:tab label="Item One" id="one">
            <c:child 1>
        <lightning:tab label="Item Two" id="two">
            <c:child 2>
        <lightning:tab label="Item Three" id="three">
            <c:child 3>
  • can you Please update your question where & when exactly you want refresh the Main parent component, based on what you have we asked we need your c:child 1 & c:child 2 logic
    – sdandamud1
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 12:53
  • let say in child_1 contains detail view of current opportunity record and child_2 to edit some particular field then this changes should reflect immediately in child_1. But now it's not happening. I need to refresh the page to see the changes @sdandamud1 Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 5:04

1 Answer 1


You can try creating the component's directly using JS.

for ex.

//You have to assign an aura:id in order to set a component into the element
<lightning:tab label="Item One" id="one" aura:id="tab-one">

    //get the element to set a child component
    var tab1 = component.find('tab-one');
    //create the child component here
       "c:child1", {},
        function(childCmp, status, errorMessage){
            if (status === "SUCCESS") {
                //set the child component here
                tab1.set("v.body", [childCmp]);

Also, you need to to create this component everytime when you switch between tabs.

This approach will always load the component directly into the tab.

  • I which component i need to write this client side js Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 11:10
  • @nubie can you please explain your question? Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 11:21
  • let say in child_1 contains detail view of current opportunity record and child_2 to edit some particular field then this changes should reflect immediately in child_1. But now it's not happening. I need to refresh the page to see the changes. @Tarique Shamim Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 5:07

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