Can someone please guide me how to resolve the access forbidden 403 status code error ? What can i do to at least hit the end point? I am executing the code anonymously in developer console
string algorithmName = 'HMAC-SHA256';
string accessKeyID = 'XX000';
string secretAccessKey = 'XXXX';
string host = 'http://XXXXX:XXXX';
string endpoint = '/api/xxx/xxx';
string S1DealerId = 'XXOHX';
string contenttype = 'application/json';
Datetime requestedDate =;
string timestamp = requestedDate.formatGMT('EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss' + ' '
+ 'zzz').tolowerCase();
String requestbody='';
string jsonresponse;
string httpVerb = 'GET';
//string strmd5= EncodingUtil.base64Encode (Crypto.generateDigest('MD5', Blob.valueOf(requestbody)));
//string contentmd5 = strmd5.toLowerCase();
//system.debug('CONTENT-MD5 is: ' +contentmd5);
string encodedURIPath = '' + endpoint + '\n';
string canonicalizedResource = encodedURIPath;
List<String> headerList = new list<String> { 'X-SourceOne-Act-As-Dealership' , 'X-SourceOne-Partner-User-ID' , 'X-SourceOne-User-ID' ,'X-SourceOne-Act-As- Dealership-Partner-ID' };
string canonicalizedHeader = headerList[0].toLowerCase() + ':' +
R1DealerId.trim() ;
//If the request has no body and there is no Content-MD5 HTTP header included
in the request, an empty string will be used here.
string stringToSign = 'GET' + '\n' + '\n' +
contenttype + '\n' +
timestamp + '\n' +
canonicalizedHeader + '\n' +
system.debug('The stringToSign is :' + stringToSign);
Blob mac = Crypto.generateMac('HMAC-SHA256', blob.valueOf(stringToSign),blob.valueOf(secretAccessKey));
String signature = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(mac);
String authorization_header = 'SourceOne' + ' ' + accessKeyID + ':'+signature;
system.debug('Authorization Header: '+authorization_header );
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
Http http = new Http();
request.setEndpoint(host + endpoint);
request.setHeader('Authorization', authorization_header);
res = http.send(request);
system.debug('Retrieved status message and status code returned in the response: ' + res.toString());
system.debug('Retrieved STATUS_MESSAGE returned for the response: ' + res.getStatus());
system.debug('Retrieved STATUS_CODE returned for the response: '+res.getStatusCode());
jsonresponse = res.getBody();
system.debug('Capturing response body in a string: ' + jsonresponse);