I would like to use a measure in a SQL request.
Here is my SQL request that works :
C.[Civilite] as 'Civilite',
C.[Prenom] as 'Prenom',
C.[Nom] as 'Nom',
C.[Email] as 'Email',
C.[SubscriberKey] as 'SubscriberKey',
C.[TopageEmail] as 'TopageEmail',
C.[OptinMail] as 'OptinMail'
FROM [Clients] C
AND C.[TopageEmail]='False'
And I want to add the measure named "_Total Emails Opened Last 6 Months". But when I write
Left Join [_Total Emails Opened Last 6 Months] S on C.SubscriberKey = S.SubscriberKey
Here is the error message :
An error occurred while checking the query syntax. Errors: [_Total Emails Opened Last 6 Months] is not a known data extension or system data view. You can only query existing data extensions or system data views.
So how my question is : how can I use measure in SQL to filter ?