I am trying to render conditionally to display child component. But it is not happening. on button click i am getting the values, but child component is not getting displayed.

        <lightning-input type="text" value={checknameinputvalue} name="CheckName" label="Check Name" required onchange={handleInputChange}></lightning-input>
        <lightning-button label="Generate" title="Generate" class="slds-m-left_x-small" onclick={handleClick} ></lightning-button>
<template if:true={boolgotochild}>
        <c-b-c-p-contract-t-o-p check-name={checkNameValue}></c-b-c-p-contract-t-o-p>

JS -

     import { LightningElement, track } from "lwc";

    export default class TestcheckDetails extends LightningElement {
      @track checknameinputvalue;

      handleInputChange(event) {
        this.checknameinputvalue = event.target.value;
        this.checkNameValue = this.checknameinputvalue;
  get boolgotochild() {
    return this.checkNameValue != null;

1 Answer 1


The below code is not reactive, i.e., the code block inside if:true won't get re-rendered if values being referred in the condition changes. This is more of static in nature, i.e., if:true will be evaluated only once when your component gets rendered. Thereafter any change on the property being referred in the function referred in if:true won't have an impact on the DOM.

<template if:true={boolgotochild}>
    <c-b-c-p-contract-t-o-p check-name={checkNameValue}></c-b-c-p-contract-t-o-p>

You can utilize a tracked property here as below if you want to render the child component in the if:true block conditionally.

So, in JS declare a reactive property as below:

@track gotoChild = false;
    this.gotoChild = this.checknameinputvalue;

And then use this on your template as below. So every time the value on gotoChild changes, the block gets executed thus displaying or hiding the child component.

<template if:true={gotoChild}>
    <c-b-c-p-contract-t-o-p check-name={checkNameValue}></c-b-c-p-contract-t-o-p>
  • Thank u...it worked.. Commented May 31, 2019 at 18:40

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