Working in LWC, after weeks on this component, I'm now getting this error that won't allow me to push to scratch.
[Line: 993, Col: 0] LWC1503: Parsing error: Only one default export allowed per module. (993:0)
Line 993 is the last line in this very long js -- which is why I'm not pasting the entire thing here.
I searched for "export" -- there's only one instance of the word. There are no other formatting issues flagged in the Problems tab (other than this one).
export default class Reactor extends LightningElement {
I have correctly formatted {} throughout, and a closing curly bracket at the end.
Anybody seen this issue before?
I tried using sfdx force:source:deploy -p force-app/main/default/lwc/reactor
and while it didn't deploy, it DID provide a more prescriptive error message, which points me to the js-meta.xml file.
This is a container component, so it's exposed and has configuration properties, which I edited this morning. I've deleted the component from pages on my scratch, but I'm still working through it.
The problem seems to be that I can't remove targets for lightning_HomePage and lightning_AppPage -- even though I don't need them on those pages. It's telling me that the component is in use on those pages in the org...
And, it won't let me change the name of one of my properties -- says that property is in use on the pages.
You can't remove the property tag named 'campaignFilter' specified in targetConfig lightning__RecordPage. The component is in use on a Lightning page.
You can't remove the property tag named 'campaignFilter' specified in targetConfig lightning__AppPage. The component is in use on a Lightning page.
You can't remove the property tag named 'campaignFilter' specified in targetConfig lightning__HomePage. The component is in use on a Lightning page.
Where would that be showing up?