Is it possible to add a CSS class to one of the Visualforce page objects from controller?
What I want to achieve is to handle one exception in controller. From catch
block I want to be able to hide a form (add a CSS class to form with display:hidden
2 Answers
Create a variable in your controller,
public boolean isVisible{gt;set;}
assign it true/false depending on condition(exception in your case)
surround form you want to show by an output panel
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!isVisible}">
You can assign a class name to the variable and then dynamically assign a new value:
Apex Class:
public with sharing class MyController{
public String myCSSClass {get; set;}
public MyController(){
myCSSClass = 'visible';
public PageReference myMethod{
myCSSClass = 'hidden';
return null;
Visualforce page: after user clicks on the "Check" button a method "myMethod" called. If it fails the variable gets a "hidden" class.
<apex:commandButton action="{!myMethod}" value="Check" reRender="myPanel">
<apex:outputPanel id="myPanel" styleClass="{!myCSSClass}">