Is there any function in Apex which could emulate functionality of the CASESAFEID() formula function? I'm trying to get 18-char Id variant from the standard one.
2 Answers
Per the Apex docs on primitive datatypes, "Note that if you set [an] ID to a 15-character value, Apex automatically converts the value to its 18-character representation." So it should be enough to assign your 15 character id to an ID-typed variable, and then back to a string, like so:
string idStr = '001E000000nwg7g'; // 15 character id
id idval = idStr; // assign to ID variable
idStr = idval; // back to string to prove the point
system.debug('18 char: ' + idStr); // note that you could just append idval instead
// of converting to string first
Remember that assigning an invalid id string to an ID-typed variable will throw an exception; if there's any chance that your 15 character value may not be a valid id, wrap the assignment in a try/catch block.
Thanks for breaking this down line by line for understanding. Assuming you start with
as a 15 char string, one could get this done in one line:accountId = (String)(Id)accountId
. Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 17:28 -
@SwisherSweet in fact, you can just use
accountId = (Id)accountId;
, as Id values are always implicitly cast to 18-character strings whenever they are used as strings. Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 18:33