I do the next SOQL and works:

SELECT FieldString FROM Account GROUP BY FieldString HAVING COUNT(FieldString)>1

But when I do the next SOQL doesn't work:

SELECT FieldDouble FROM Account GROUP BY FieldDouble HAVING COUNT(FieldDouble)>1  

Is it possible to make a format change for the SOQL to work? Or is there an alternative to making this SOQL work?

  • Do you get any error messages when running the second query? If so you should edit those into your question. Commented Mar 21, 2019 at 13:49
  • 2
    What's the purpose behind this query? What are you hoping to achieve?
    – sfdcfox
    Commented Mar 21, 2019 at 14:03

2 Answers 2


What makes a field not groupable

This was somehow answered here.

However, to your case, custom number fields cannot be grouped by, same as text formulas with value TEXT(FieldDouble).

The only solution if you do not want to modify your SOQL is to create a text field that will be updated from a workflow anytime the FieldDouble changes with its value.


This query is not going to work because you are not doing any aggregation.

HAVING clause only works on aggregations. Available aggregations in SOQL are: AVG(), COUNT(), COUNT_DISTINCT(), MIN(), MAX(), SUM().

If you want to perform your SOQL query, you should aggregate your FieldDouble field and group by groupable fields.

Working example:

SELECT LeadSource, COUNT(Name)
GROUP BY LeadSource
HAVING COUNT(Name) > 100




  • 1
    No, you cannot group by this field (custom number field). It can be checked: system.debug(Account.FieldDouble.getDescribe().isGroupable()); which gives false. Commented Mar 21, 2019 at 14:10

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