Salesforce rockstars!
I'm in need of some help, and thank you in advance for taking the time to review my question! I'm pretty new to Java/Apex, and most of the work I do is with internal Salesforce data. I've recently gotten a request to work with an external SurveyMonkey API (yay!!). I've gotten the callout to return a JSON response, but I can't quite figure out where I'm going wrong on trying to parse the JSON. Here's an example of the JSON containing a list of 2 survey responses (sorry if it's super long!):
"Email":"[email protected]",
"Email":"[email protected]",
"text":"Jane Doe"
And here's the Apex that JSON2APEX generated for me (and I can't quite figure out technically how all the class/inner classes here end up with values in the variables, but I suppose I'll save that dark magic for another day).:
public class SurveyMonkeyResponses
public class Pages {
public String id;
public List<Logic_path> questions;
public class Answers {
public String choice_id;
public class Answers_Z {
public String text;
public Integer per_page;
public Integer total;
public List<Data> data;
public Integer page;
public Links links;
public class Logic_path {
public class Links {
public String self;
public class Questions {
public String id;
public List<Answers> answers;
public class Data {
public Integer total_time;
public String href;
public Custom_variables custom_variables;
public String ip_address;
public String id;
public Logic_path logic_path;
public String date_modified;
public String response_status;
public String custom_value;
public String analyze_url;
public List<Pages> pages;
public List<Logic_path> page_path;
public String recipient_id;
public String collector_id;
public String date_created;
public String survey_id;
public String collection_mode;
public String edit_url;
public Logic_path metadata;
public class Custom_variables {
public String Email;
public String sObjID;
public class Questions_Z {
public String id;
public List<Answers_Z> answers;
public static SurveyMonkeyResponses parse(String json) {
return (SurveyMonkeyResponses) System.JSON.deserialize(json, SurveyMonkeyResponses.class);
And then finally, I start debugging a bit to check for some of the values, which seems to work at first, but then I start running into errors:
//Code block for making the request
IF (response.getStatusCode() == 200) {
SurveyMonkeyResponses resps = (SurveyMonkeyResponses) SurveyMonkeyResponses.parse(response.getBody());
//Returns all the key:value pairs I'd expect
//Except for Logic_path:[] shown on the next debug
//Returns Pages:[id=439410, questions=(Logic_path:[])]
//But not sure where (Logic_path:[]) is coming from
//Returns the expected ID 439410
//Only returns Logic_path:[]
//Error: Variable does not exist: id
//Error: Variable does not exist: answers
It seems like I'm kind of close, but I can't tell if I'm using this correctly or if I'm barking up the wrong tree. I also tried changing the SurveyMonkeyResponses method to be:
public static LIST<SurveyMonkeyResponses> parse(String json) {
return (LIST<SurveyMonkeyResponses>) System.JSON.deserialize(json, LIST<SurveyMonkeyResponses>.class);
But I got the error: System.JSONException: Malformed JSON: Expected '[' at the beginning of List/Set
And then I tried to trim the text that precedes the first [ character to try and get it to recognize the JSON as a list, but ended up with the following when I debug logged the results:
(SurveyMonkeyResponses:[data=null, links=null, page=null, per_page=null, total=null], SurveyMonkeyResponses:[data=null, links=null, page=null, per_page=null, total=null])
Thanks a million for helping to point me in the right direction!!!