public class Testclassforaddingpli {
//public list<Proposal_Line_Item__c> prolist = new list<Proposal_Line_Item__c>();
public static void Testclassforaddingpli(){
chapter__C chp = new chapter__C();
chp.name ='test1';
chp.TotalLinePrice__c =1000;
chp.TotalTrucks__c =1000;
insert chp;
Proposal_Line_Item__c pli = new Proposal_Line_Item__c ();
pli.Name= 'raj' ;
pli.chapters__c = chp.Id ;
insert pli;
update pli;
delete pli;
private static void Testclassforaddingpli2(){
chapter__C chp = new chapter__C();
chp.name ='test1';
chp.TotalLinePrice__c =100;
chp.TotalTrucks__c =100;
insert chp;
Proposal_Line_Item__c pli = new Proposal_Line_Item__c ();
pli.Name= 'raj' ;
pli.chapters__c = chp.Id ;
pli.LineNumber__c = 50;
pli.NumberofTrucks__c = 50 ;
insert pli;
update pli;
delete pli;
Proposal_Line_Item__c pli2 = new Proposal_Line_Item__c ();
pli2.Name= 'raj' ;
pli2.chapters__c = chp.Id ;
pli.LineNumber__c = 50 ;
pli.NumberofTrucks__c = 50 ;
insert pli2;
update pli2;
delete pli2;
private static void Testclassforaddingpli3(){
chapter__C chp = new chapter__C();
chp.name ='test1';
chp.TotalLinePrice__c = 500;
chp.TotalTrucks__c = 500;
insert chp;
update chp;
Proposal_Line_Item__c pli = new Proposal_Line_Item__c ();
pli.Name= 'raj' ;
pli.chapters__c = chp.Id ;
pli.LineNumber__c = 450;
pli.NumberofTrucks__c =50 ;
insert pli;
update pli;
delete pli;
Proposal_Line_Item__c pli3 = new Proposal_Line_Item__c ();
pli3.Name= 'raj' ;
pli3.chapters__c = chp.Id ;
pli3.LineNumber__c = 50;
pli3.NumberofTrucks__c = 450 ;
insert pli3;
update pli3;
delete pli3;
chapter__C chp1 = new chapter__C();
chp1.name ='test1';
chp1.TotalLinePrice__c = pli.LinePrice__c + pli3.LinePrice__c;
chp1.TotalTrucks__c = pli3.NumberofTrucks__c + pli.NumberofTrucks__c ;
insert chp1;
2 Answers
You can use test setup methods to create test records once and then access them in every test method in the test class. Test setup methods can be time-saving when you need to create reference or prerequisite data for all test methods, or a common set of records that all test methods operate on.
So you need to create another method with the annotation @testSetup and write the code to create common test data, and the functionality which is being tested (and additional test data which is not common) would be in non-testSetup methods. So before executing each test method you will get those records which you have created in @testSetup method. In order to get/access those records in non @testSetup methods, you need to query for the records, and no need to call the @testSetup method explicitly.
Apart from that, as Salesforce recommends, you should surround your code part with Test.startTest() and Test.stopTest() and include assertions as well. There are a lot of documentations on web regarding this where you can read, like you can give a look here:
When to use Test.startTest?
@testSetup static void setup() {
List<chapter__C> chapterList = new List<chapter__C>();
chapter__C chp = new chapter__C();
chp.name ='test1';
chp.TotalLinePrice__c =1000;
chp.TotalTrucks__c =1000;
insert chapterList;
List<Proposal_Line_Item__c> pliList = new List<Proposal_Line_Item__c>();
Proposal_Line_Item__c pli = new Proposal_Line_Item__c ();
pli.Name= 'raj' ;
pli.chapters__c = chp.Id ;
insert pliList;
public static void Testclassforaddingpli(){
List<chapter__C> chapterList = [SELECT Name, TotalLinePrice__c, TotalTrucks__c FROM chapter__C];
List<Proposal_Line_Item__c> pliList = [SELECT Name, chapters__c, LineNumber__c, NumberofTrucks__c FROM Proposal_Line_Item__c];
//Perform dml like update, delete here.
do you wanna add a description? code only answer are considered as low quality Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 12:38