I have requirement in which on a certain condition i have to show an alert box in which i will have a link and a button. On click of the link i have to do some logic and do some DML operations. What i want to do is that i want to show a custom visualforce page having the link and button and show that page in a iframe in the alert box. Is this possible or i have to look other way around. Also is there anyway i can i can do this by jquery.
2 Answers
Here is what you can do Create a custom button and fill in the details and in "Behavior Section" choose "Execute JavaScript" and for "Content Source" choose "OnClick JavaScript",and in the code section paste the following code
function showSimpleDialog(){
var sd = new SimpleDialog("Test"+Dialogs.getNextId(), true);
sd.setTitle("Simple Dialog");
window.parent.sd = sd; sd.setWidth("50%");
//Specify the iFrame and give URL of VF page
if ($(sd.dialog).find('#InlineEditDialogX').size() == 0) {
var close = $("<a id='InlineEditDialogX' title='Close' tabindex='0' href='javascript:void(0)' class='dialogClose'>Close</a>");
close.mouseover(function() {
this.className = 'dialogCloseOn';
}).mouseout(function() {
this.className = 'dialogClose';
}).click(function() {
// finally our on click handler which closes the dialog
// insert the new generated close button before the h2 tag so it'll show up on the top right corner
close.insertBefore($(sd.dialog).find('.topLeft h2'));
} sd.show(); } showSimpleDialog();
This will bring up a modal where you can display your visual force page through iFrame and further through controller you can do all the DML operations.
Thanks Pawan. This is exactly something that i wanted. But in the sd.setContentInnerHTML(""); when i am putting my iframe in the this, in the src attribute of it i can't enter my complete url coz it's having paprameter's as well. Can you please tell me how could i make this url work.?? i.e. my url is something lyk this /apex/testpage?id='a1234567890789'&name='test' Can you please help me on this.. Commented Jan 29, 2014 at 15:43
done it(just have to add the +url+ in the url). Thanks. The solution works as per my requirement. Commented Jan 29, 2014 at 15:51
How can i close the dialog box from my iframe's VF page. And re-render my parent VF page to new href from the child VF page(i.e. in the iFrame). Commented Jan 30, 2014 at 13:27
1You cant close it with iframe's VF page What you can do is after "sd.hide" type "window.location.reload(true)" this will refresh the parent page– PavanCommented Feb 12, 2014 at 15:08
You can't use JavaScript's alert
function, but you could create a popup div element that contains the logic you would like to use. One sound method for this would be something like a Lightbox, where the content would be hosted in a fixed position, z-indexed div that hovers over the rest of the page content. There are numerous examples for this online. I've personally used this on several occasions with success, although I don't have a convenient example I can copy and paste. The iframe isn't strictly necessary, since you could just graft the DOM elements directly into the Visualforce page's DOM, but that is purely a matter of preference.
Pretty neat solution for sure. Thanks. One thing also i want to add that isn't it possible by some other means i could do this functionality.(without adding the lightbox js and images in my static folder) a built in thing for salesforce or in javascript. Commented Jan 29, 2014 at 14:12
@NaveenRaw Not sure if this is a clarification question, but in short, yes, there is no publicly available, Salesforce-native means of accomplishing your goal. Salesforce uses lightboxes for inline editing, etc, but these aren't publicly documented and can't be relied on. You do not need to use a static resource and/or a library; I've written a lightbox in just a couple dozen lines of code, it's not hard.– sfdcfox ♦Commented Jan 29, 2014 at 14:21
Okay. will try that. one day will catch up with you on making such fine coding of writing lightbox in only dozen of lines !.. thanks. Commented Jan 29, 2014 at 15:56