Is it possible? My steps:
- Create the app in the Developer Center. On the Application URL I left the suggestion (I guess this could be an issue, do I have to fill this with a custom url? Maybe one that the named credential generates?) ,<-yes to this
- Create an OpenID auth provider
3)Create Named Credential with identity : type "Per user" authentication protocol " Oauth 2.0", the authentication provider I made in step 2) and with Generate Authorization Header, Allow Merge Fields in HTTP Header, Allow Merge Fields in HTTP Body checked
When I try to start the authentication flow I get the error:
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Required parameter(s) missing or wrong."}
From the following url request:{consumerkey}&redirect_uri={salesforce sandbox url}%2Fservices%2Fauthcallback%2FgotoWebinar&state={big encoded key}
If I change the url in the Developer Center app (img in step 1) I got different errors pages in step 3)
Do you know if this is possible? I already made a connection with httpRequest and apex, But I wanted to improve that solution if possible, because with new the oauth v2.0 I have to save the refresh token and I have different issues with this (mostly the way the app is working now and the refactor that I have to make to save the refresh token because of dml limitations)
There is an underlying question and that is what's the best way to connect to a G2W app?
Update: I was able to authenticate, in step 2 I ticked the "send client credentials in Header" and In the app I put the callback url given in that step. With those changes in the app provider it worked. But it's only work for an hour, then I'm starting to get a 403 Forbidden "int_err_code":"InvalidToken","msg":"Invalid token passed" So named credential is not handling the refresh token, and i'm guessing it's because it is handled if the api response status is 401. (in scope I have "refresh_token full" and I actually test with "openid refresh_token full" too
EDIT : user: "Deployment Failure" has test this and discovered that scope should be collab: check the comments at the first answer for more info.