I have a use case where I need to do an Aggregate SOQL on OpportunityLineItem(oli) & its opportunitylineitemschedules(olischedules).
I have 2 triggers(Trigger1 on Opportunity & 1 on oli). On Opportunity Trigger(trigger1), we have a use case where we Update Oli--> then delete olischedules --->and then insert olischedules with updated/lastest Oli values. (trigger 2) gets fired on oli update and runs a Aggregate SOQL -
[SELECT SUM(Revenue), CALENDAR_YEAR(ScheduleDate) month_year,
CALENDAR_MONTH(ScheduleDate) month_number
FROM OpportunityLineItemSchedule
WHERE OpportunityLineItemId IN: oliIds
The results here are returning the old olischedules which makes sense as the delete olischedules & insert olischedules are done after the Oli is updated & thats where this query is processed.
I need a way to delay the firing of trigger2 so that the delete olischedules and insert olischedules are from trigger1 are complete.
may not work all the time as we cannot predict the execution time. Schedulable apex with batch apex are my next go tos to set a time to schedule only ONCE. Not sure how what the cron would be for this. I might be doing wild-west here but any guidance on this is appreciated.