I have created a flow that creates a pricebook entry for new products (based on a custom field on the Product object), however when I debug the flow it comes up with the following quite generic error:

FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: field integrity exception.

I cannot work out what I am doing wrong. I have reduced the flow to three steps:

  1. Start
  2. Assignment: recNewPriceBookEntry
  3. CreateRecord (base on reNewPriceBookEntry)

The full output of the final step that causes the error is:

FAST CREATE: Create_New_Price_Book_Entry

Create PricebookEntry records using the values that are stored in {!recNewPriceBookEntry}.

Variable Values



Failed to create records.

Error Occurred: This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: field integrity exception.

I have also tried using the 18 character IDs (01t25000003Hfy8AAC & 01s58000001nQb8AAE), which results in the same error.

As this is a fresh sandbox, there are no entries in the Price Book Entry object (I double checked that with Developer Workbench).

If anyone can tell me what I am doing wrong that would be very much appreciated.

  • Do you have multicurrency enabled? Are you sure they are the correct ID values for that org?
    – sfdcfox
    Commented Feb 28, 2019 at 12:27
  • 1
    UseStandardPrice field value can not be set to true on insert. Commented Feb 28, 2019 at 12:39
  • Removing the UseStandardPrice field from recNewPriceBookEntry solved the problem. Thank you so much for your help.
    – Kees
    Commented Feb 28, 2019 at 13:40

2 Answers 2


Rohit Patil's comment solved the problem:

UseStandardPrice field value can not be set to true on insert.

I removed the UseStandardPrice field from recNewPriceBookEntry and it started working.

Thank you.


came across in a similar problem.


if we have a discrepancy in unitPrice in between standard and custom price book and we are using UseStandardPrice = true then we will get the same error as follows:


to solve the issue:

we have to maintain the unitPrice same as standard PriceBookEntry, then only we can mark the UseStandardPrice = true

or we need to mark UseStandardPrice = false if we want to insert the record with some different unit price value

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