Currently, I am stuck in a situation to modify the DOM in LWC using the querySelectorAll function.
Here the {team.item.Description__c} field having the DOM details and saved in string form into the salesforce database.
<template if:true={teamRecords} >
<template for:each={teamRecords} for:item="team" for:index="index">
<div class="descArea" lwc:dom="manual" key={}> </div>
team.js, index) => {
this.template.querySelectorAll('.descArea').forEach(element => {
element.innerHTML = item.item.Description__c; //Contains HTML elements
The .descArea is a class name of a div inside a loop in LWC component and I want to change the content of the div using the querySelectorAll function.
call returning the divs? Or is the HTML not displaying correctly?querySelectorAll
, because it's all bold.