I'm not able to get refreshApex() working in an lwc. I've read the docs here -- scroll to the bottom. Here are the key elements of the js file:
import { LightningElement, track, api, wire } from 'lwc';
import getBlasts from '@salesforce/apex/Blast.getBlasts';
import { refreshApex } from '@salesforce/apex';
export default class BlastWaveTree extends LightningElement {
@api recordId;
@track blastData;
@track error;
@wire(getBlasts, { CampaignId: '$recordId' })
}) {
if (data) {
let tempjson = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data).split('waves').join('_children'));
this.blastData = tempjson;
} else {
this.error = error;
refresh() {
return refreshApex(this.blastData);
My code varies from the doc examples for 2 reasons:
- The example code doesn't separate out the Apex response into error and data, the pattern I've been following as shown elsewhere.
- This data is going into a lightning-tree-grid so I have to process it a bit before assigning it to blastData.
I've tried return refreshApex(this.wireBlastData)
as well, and that doesn't work.
Ultimately, I want to call the refresh function from the parent component (hence, the @api), but I've simplified it (till I get it working) by calling the refresh function from a button on this same component. I added a console.log line in the refresh() function so I know the button is calling the function. It just doesn't refresh. I'm also watching the apex logs as I push the refresh button, and there's no apex activity.
Here's the template:
<lightning-card title="Blasts" icon-name="custom:custom3">
<div slot="actions">
<lightning-button-group >
<lightning-button-icon icon-name="utility:refresh" alternative-text="Refresh" onclick={refresh}></lightning-button-icon>
<lightning-button label={buttonLabel} onclick={toggleWaves}></lightning-button>
<lightning-button label="New Blast" onclick={onNewBlast} variant="Brand"> </lightning-button>
<div class="slds-m-around_medium">
onrowaction={handleRowAction} >
What am I missing?
Here's the error detail from the browser dev tools:
lds.js:2 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Refresh failed because resolved configuration is not available.
at Object.e.refresh [as refreshApex] (lds.js:2)
at l.refresh (blastWaveTree.js:4)
at callHook (aura_prod.js:24)
at sa (aura_prod.js:2)
at aura_prod.js:2
at _ (aura_prod.js:2)
at HTMLElement.e (aura_prod.js:2)
at l (aura_prod.js:2)
at Un.call.a (aura_prod.js:2)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
e.refresh @ lds.js:2
refresh @ blastWaveTree.js:4
callHook @ aura_prod.js:24
sa @ aura_prod.js:2
(anonymous) @ aura_prod.js:2
_ @ aura_prod.js:2
e @ aura_prod.js:2
l @ aura_prod.js:2
Un.call.a @ aura_prod.js:2
t @ aura_prod.js:2
Lt @ aura_prod.js:2
t.$$lwcEventWrapper$$ @ aura_prod.js:2