Here is the scenario.... I would like to create a report that would show the user's "worked" days.
We created a custom report type called "All Activities", since we needed to bring some information from the User object (CreatedBy) to be used as a filter, which "mimics" the "Task & Events" oob report type.
The report would be based on the CreatedDate field.
E.g. If the user creates 10 activities for the day, then I would like to count as 1 for that specific day. Then we would like to group the results by week. Like, if the user created two activities on Monday, 3 Tuesday, and the rest of the week he/she logged in but didn't created any activity, the result for that week would be 2.
In this report I would have one month of data.
I tried creating Power of 1 fields on the User and Activities (task/event) but I wasn't able to get it to work.
I have tried all possible combinations of grouping using the CreatedBy, CreatedDate + PowerOf1, but I haven't been able to accomplish this.
I have also tried using PREVGROUPVAL and PARENTGROUPVAL, from all different groupings possible, without success.
Any suggestion?