SC update MC to unsubscribe where HasOptedOutOfEmail = True
A process to synchronise Salesforce Leads & Contacts where they are subscribed in MC but have been unsubscribed in SC
Requires building an automation with the following steps:
create Data Extensions
A. Create a data extension (QueryTargetDataExtension) to collect the resulting from the query below.
- SubscriberKey :: Text :: 18 :: Nullable,
- EmailAddress :: EmailAddress :: 254 :: Nullable,
- Status :: Text :: 50 :: Nullable,
- HasOptedOutOfEmail :: Boolean :: 50 :: Nullable
B. Create a data extension (LoggingDataExtension) to log the results, including status and timestamp
- SubscriberKey :: Text :: 18 :: Nullable,
- EmailAddress :: EmailAddress :: 254 :: Nullable,
- Status :: Text :: 50 :: Nullable,
- HasOptedOutOfEmail :: Boolean :: 50 :: Nullable
- Timestamp :: Date :: Nullable
SQL query
The query finds all leads & contacts where they are subscribed in MC but have been unsubscribed in SC where HasOptedOutOfEmail = 'TRUE'
SELECT sub.SubscriberKey, sub.EmailAddress, sub.Status, sfob.HasOptedOutOfEmail
FROM _Subscribers sub
(SELECT con.Id, con.Email, con.HasOptedOutOfEmail FROM Contact_Salesforce con
SELECT lead.Id, lead.Email, lead.HasOptedOutOfEmail FROM Lead_Salesforce lead
) sfob ON sub.SubscriberKey = sfob.Id
WHERE sub.Status NOT IN ('unsubscribed') AND sfob.HasOptedOutOfEmail = 'TRUE'
- SSJS Script:
This script retrieves the data from the targeted data extension, cycles through each row, unsubscribes from MC and creates a log on the on the LoggingDataExtensionId
<script runat="server" type="text/javascript">
Platform.Load("core", "1");
var unsubDE = DataExtension.Init("QueryTargetDataExtensionId");
var data = unsubDE.Rows.Retrieve();
var logging = [];
if(data.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
var SubId = data[i].SubscriberKey;
try {
var subObj = Subscriber.Init(SubId);
var status = subObj.Unsubscribe();
catch (e) {
var status = "error";
var output = logging.push({SubscriberKey: SubId, EmailAddress: data[i].EmailAddress, Status: 'Error Processing Optout', HasOptedOutOfEmail: data[i].HasOptedOutOfEmail, Timestamp:});
if (status != "error") {
var output = logging.push({SubscriberKey: SubId, EmailAddress: data[i].EmailAddress, Status: 'Unsubscribe Complete', HasOptedOutOfEmail: data[i].HasOptedOutOfEmail, Timestamp:});
var loggingDE = DataExtension.Init("LoggingDataExtensionId");
QueryTargetDataExtensionId = "Place the ID of the QueryTargetDataExtensionId in here"
LoggingDataExtensionId = "Place the ID of the LoggingDataExtensionId in here"
MC update SC with unsubscribe status where HasOptedOutOfEmail = False
A process to synchronise Salesforce Leads & Contacts where they are unsubscribed in MC but subscribed in SC
Requires building an automation with the following steps:
create Data Extensions
A. Create a data extension (QueryTargetDataExtension) to collect the resulting from the query below.
- SubscriberKey :: Text :: 18 :: Primary Key,
- EmailAddress :: EmailAddress :: 254 :: Nullable,
- Status :: Text :: 50 :: Nullable,
- HasOptedOutOfEmail :: Boolean :: 50 :: nullable
B. Create a data extension (LoggingDataExtension) to log the results, including status and timestamp
- SubscriberKey :: Text :: 18 :: Nullable,
- EmailAddress :: EmailAddress :: 254 :: Nullable,
- Status :: Text :: 50 :: Nullable,
- HasOptedOutOfEmail :: Boolean :: 50 :: nullable
- Timestamp :: Date :: Nullable
SQL query
The query finds all leads & contacts where they are unsubscribed in MC but have been subscribed in SC where HasOptedOutOfEmail = 'FALSE'
SELECT sub.SubscriberKey, sub.EmailAddress, sub.Status, sfob.HasOptedOutOfEmail
FROM _Subscribers sub
(SELECT con.Id, con.Email, con.HasOptedOutOfEmail FROM Contact_Salesforce con
SELECT lead.Id, lead.Email, lead.HasOptedOutOfEmail FROM Lead_Salesforce lead
) sfob ON sub.SubscriberKey = sfob.Id
WHERE sub.Status IN ('unsubscribed') AND sfob.HasOptedOutOfEmail = 'FALSE'
- AMPscript content Block:
This AMPscript retrieves the data from the targeted data extension, cycles through each row, updates the related record in SC with HasOptedOutOfEmail = 'True' and creates a log on the LoggingDataExtensionId
var @rows, @row, @rowCount, @subscriptionStatus, @I
set @subscriptionStatus = False
set @rows = LookupRows("MCtoSC_unsubscribeSync","HasOptedOutOfEmail", @subscriptionStatus)
set @rowCount = rowcount(@rows)
if @rowCount > 0 then
for @i=1 to @rowCount do
var @Id, @emailAddress, @status, @updateSF, @objType
set @row = row(@rows, @i) /* get row based on counter */
set @Id = field(@row,"SubscriberKey")
set @emailAddress = field(@row,"EmailAddress")
set @status = field(@row,"Status")
set @objType = field(@row,"ObjType")
set @updateSF = UpdateSingleSalesforceObject(@objType, @Id,
"HasOptedOutOfEmail", "true"
if @updateSF == 1 then
"SubscriberKey", @Id,
"EmailAddress", @emailAddress,
"Status", "unsubscribed",
"TimeStamp", now()
"SubscriberKey", @Id,
"EmailAddress", @emailAddress,
"Status", "error",
"TimeStamp", now()
next @i
QueryTargetDataExtensionName = "Place the Name of the QueryTargetDataExtensionId in here"
LoggingDataExtensionName = "Place the Name of the LoggingDataExtensionId in here"
- SSJS script
A SSJS script is required to execute the AMPscript within the automation. This is because AMPscript cannot be directly added to an automation
<script runat="server">
var content = Platform.Function.ContentBlockByKey('contentkey');
var stream = Platform.Function.TreatAsContent(content);
contentkey = "Place the ID key of the AMPscript content block in here"