I am trying to use the DML statement to make an insert to the parent and child tables all at once.
I have got it to this point so far, I am not sure how to link the child to the parent when doing the insert in one command.
I tried following the instructions on the post below, got a bit confused. On the code there they use an external ID to make it happen which I am not sure about as I want the child objects to have the id of the parent record on its foreign key relationship field. I already have a master-detail relationship setup between the custom objects.
Insert List of Parent and Child Records in One DML Statement
Here is what I go to so far. How do I link the 2 objects using the master-detail relationship setup and how to use the insert statement.
List<addressMaster__c> mduMaster = new List<addressMaster__c>();
List<addressDetail__c> mduDetails = new List<addressDetail__c>();
Object[] values = (Object[])System.JSON.deserializeUntyped(mdus);
for( Object mdu : values) {
Map<String,Object> data = (Map<String,Object>)mdu;
streetAddress = String.valueof(data.get('streetAddress'));
totalUnits = Integer.valueof(data.get('totalUnits'));
nnUnits = Integer.valueof(data.get('nnUnits'));
addressDetail__c newMduDetail = new addressDetail__c(Name=streetAddress,nnUnits__c=nnUnits,lastReportDate__c=DateTime.now());
addressMaster__c newMduMaster = new addressMaster__c(Name=streetAddress,totalUnits__c=totalUnits);