My ignorance is going to be on full display here.
As I am learning I have developed a custom Lightning App called WidgetServices.
When I select WidgetServices I have 5 navigation tabs. 1 For dashboard, 1 for reports, 3 custom objects to track widget specific task. EditWidget, CopyWidget, CreateWidget.
For the EditWidget custom object I have created a Lightning Record Page.
My desire which may be out of line....Is that AFTER loading the WidgetServices App I want to click on the EditWidget custom object tab and instead of seeing my Recently Viewed list I want to see my Lightning record page.
I have activated it as Org Default and reloaded the page but it still just displays the Recently Viewed List.
I think I'm doing something wrong because I can't see my Lightning Record page anywhere in the WidgetServices App.
Can I do what I want and I'm just missing something or is it not supported?