I'm new to SF development and only need to do some very small stuff for our org (e.g. triggers, custom fields)...

This is our setup:

  • we have a productive Salesforce org with a single licence for our company, I call it 'ProdHub' (yes we are very small and share the login)
  • I have a salesforce org which I currently use as my 'DevHub' (a free instance which I created for myself)
  • I have a salesforce trailhead org which I can use to test/ practice stuff

This is how I see the world for development:

  • I create scratch orgs on my DevHub and push/pull my unlocked package
  • I execute sfdx force:package:create against my DevHub
  • I execute sfdx force:package:version:create against my DevHub

Now I face a limit problem with sfdx force:package:version:create (I can only create 6 packages during a day).

sfdx force:limits:api:display -u DevHub tells me:

NAME                                   REMAINING  MAXIMUM
─────────────────────────────────────  ─────────  ─────────
Package2VersionCreates                            6

while the same for the production org tells gives me: sfdx force:limits:api:display -u ProdHub

NAME                                   REMAINING  MAXIMUM
─────────────────────────────────────  ─────────  ─────────
Package2VersionCreates                 80         80

So I wonder if I should just do all development in our production env? I'm very confused about where I can and where I should push/pull stuff and where I should create the final package. I did enable 'Dev Hub' on a my Dev org and on my Prod org (which most likely was a bad mistake, but it seems I can't revert that). 'Enable Packaging' currently is only enabled on my Dev org.

If I'd use my prod org to create the package then I have a much higher limit to create packages, but Is that a good idea? Can I push/pull on my DevHub scratch orgs and only use ProdHub to create the final package? is this a good idea? I guess in this case I would also need to create scratch orgs on my ProdHub, correct?

I'm also confused whether I can push/pull to DevHub or only to scratch orgs.

1 Answer 1


For your work-based projects, use your production org. For side hobbies, use your Developer org. This will help keep them apart. And, yes, you can only push/pull on scratch orgs, which should also be created from your production org as well. You can use your personal dev hub org for trailheads or other reasons; 6 should be plenty per day in that scenario.

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