I'm trying to export our Job data to a data warehouse and it'd be helpful to know which of the jobs we're exporting are associated with AB tests. I can definitely see that Marketing Cloud has some other view to associate Jobs with AB tests, but I haven't seen that data exposed in the documentation. Is this something that I can pull via Query, or do I have to rely on manual exports? Do I need to just put all AB Tests in their own tracking folder and filter by Category?
1 Answer
Not an exact solution but you can try this:
1- Please go to Tracking - Sends and tick A/B Test in the grid.
2- Then you can click on that column to see all A/B tests and please move them in a folder.
3- Now you can use this SQL to get all the jobIDs in this folder/category:
FROM _Sent s
JOIN _Job j on s.JobID = j.JobID
WHERE j.Category = 'Folder Name'
I was afraid of that - thanks for sharing your workaround. I've requested that the Marketing Cloud product team expose this data view for us. Please vote for it here: success.salesforce.com/ideaView?id=0873A000000cRh3QAE Commented Dec 7, 2018 at 16:14
@MatthewWash did you ever find a better way to do this? Commented Nov 7 at 20:01
1@stan-alachniewicz nope! But if you're feeling frisky you might want to pass some data into a send log DE...but that involves extra work up front. Commented Nov 9 at 1:39
@MatthewWash we ended up using a naming convention which is similar. Then I parse that our in the SQL Commented Dec 2 at 22:57