I've got a map whose values are a wrapper class. The wrapper class holds a custom sObject list, and the sObject in turn was queried to include related fields from a lookup relationship.
Problem is, when I use JSON.deserialize(jsonString, Map<Id, MapWrapper>.class)
, although the custom sObject is parsed, the related fields via the lookup relationship are not.
In prettified JSON, my serialized wrapper class (actually a map of ID to wrapper) looks like this, with the missing related fields highlighted :
"Name":"Mohyee Holdings LLC"
"LLC_BI__Source__c":"Tax Return",
"LLC_BI__Type__c":"UCA Cash Flow",
After I run JSON.deserialize(jsonString, Map<Id, MapWrapper>.class)
I get
{0011b00000Z6Pa8AAF = MapWrapper:[
Name=Mohyee Holdings LLC
LLC_BI__Statement_Date__c=2018-12-31 00:00:00,
LLC_BI__Source__c=Tax Return}
Note that the related sObject LLC_BI__Spread_Statement_Type__r
is no longer included in the LLC_BI__Spread_Statement_Period__c
object after deserializing.
Here's the wrapper class that JSON.deserialize() is casting to:
public class MapWrapper{
@AuraEnabled public Account entity{get;set;}
@AuraEnabled public list<LLC_BI__Spread_Statement_Period__c> periodList {get;set;}