Logging an unsub event is the way to get unsubscribes logged properly (and ultimately in the _Unsubscribe
data view). You can't insert into directly into any of the data views.
You'd need jobID
, listID
, _JobSubscriberBatchID
and an encrypted or obfuscated _subscriberkey
to replicate what's done on a one-click unsubscribe page. You may be able to pass and use SubscriberID
to get around the encryption part, but I haven't tested the API call with that value.
Here's the code in AMPscript. The SOAP call would use these same objects and methods:
var @debug
var @jid
var @listid
var @batchid
var @email
var @skey
var @reason
var @unsubscribeAll
set @debug = 0
set @jid = AttributeValue("jobid")
set @listid = AttributeValue("listid")
set @batchid = AttributeValue("_JobSubscriberBatchID")
set @email = AttributeValue("emailaddr")
set @skey = AttributeValue("_subscriberkey")
set @reason = "One-Click Unsubscribe"
set @unsubscribeAll = RequestParameter("ua")
/* if we know the subscriber */
if not empty(@skey) then
var @lue
var @lue_prop
var @lue_statusCode
var @overallStatus
var @requestId
var @Response
var @Status
var @Error
/* if unsubscribing from all, then set the job, batch and listids to blank, effectively doing a global unsub */
if @unsubscribeAll == "1" then
set @jid = ""
set @listid = ""
set @batchid = ""
/* create a request to inject an unsub event into the LogUnsubEvent platform table */
set @lue = CreateObject("ExecuteRequest")
In order to invoke the request, we need to associate the following information with it to define the subscriber context and the job context:
1. Subscriber Key
2. JobId associated with the email send
3. ListID the email was sent to
4. BatchID the email was sent to
5. Reason for the unsub
/* 1. define and associate Subscriber Key to the request */
set @lue_prop = CreateObject("APIProperty")
SetObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Name", "SubscriberKey")
SetObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Value", @skey)
AddObjectArrayItem(@lue, "Parameters", @lue_prop)
/* 2. define and associate JobID to the request */
if not empty(@jid) then
set @lue_prop = CreateObject("APIProperty")
SetObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Name", "JobID")
SetObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Value", @jid)
AddObjectArrayItem(@lue, "Parameters", @lue_prop)
/* 3. define and associate ListID to the request */
if not empty(@listid) then
set @lue_prop = CreateObject("APIProperty")
SetObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Name", "ListID")
SetObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Value", @listid)
AddObjectArrayItem(@lue, "Parameters", @lue_prop)
/* 4. define and associate BatchID to the request */
if not empty(@batchid) then
set @lue_prop = CreateObject("APIProperty")
SetObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Name", "BatchID")
SetObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Value", @batchid)
AddObjectArrayItem(@lue, "Parameters", @lue_prop)
/* 5. define and associate unsub reason to the request */
set @lue_prop = CreateObject("APIProperty")
SetObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Name", "Reason")
SetObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Value", @reason)
AddObjectArrayItem(@lue, "Parameters", @lue_prop)
/* finally, you invoke the request */
set @lue_statusCode = InvokeExecute(@lue, @overallStatus, @requestId)
/* extract messages from the response */
set @Response = Row(@lue_statusCode, 1)
set @Status = Field(@Response,"StatusMessage")
set @Error = Field(@Response,"ErrorCode")
if @debug == 1 then
output(concat("<br>jid: ", @jid))
output(concat("<br>listid: ", @listid))
output(concat("<br>batchid: ", @batchid))
output(concat("<br>email: ", @email))
output(concat("<br>skey: ", @skey))
output(concat("<br>reason: ", @reason))
output(concat("<br>unsubscribeAll: ", @unsubscribeAll))
output(concat("<br>overallStatus: ", @overallStatus))
output(concat("<br>requestId: ", @requestId))
output(concat("<br>Response: ", @Response))
output(concat("<br>Status: ", @Status))
output(concat("<br>Error: ", @Error))