As Integration part is new to me so, tried little demo project which gets the external data and creates the record in custom object or so from a button click. Using HttpRequest method did all the API request.

My question here is, Is it possible to keep track of external application so whenever the data is changed in external should reflect in salesforce too or simply notify me in salesforce.

As far as I understood using Streaming API you can notify external Application or salesforce if there is a change in Salesforce database right?

2 Answers 2


When external database changes, you want the same data to be synced in Salesforce. So it should be the external system which should update salesforce about it/notify about it.

You cant use streaming API, because streaming API is for broadcasting changes of SF data change to external system and not vice versa.

You have 2 Options:

  1. Poll external system periodically to get changed data
  2. Or create a Listener in external system to send SF a platform event or call any salesforce rest endpoint about the changed data.

You can read more about the integration patterns here: https://resources.docs.salesforce.com/sfdc/pdf/integration_patterns_and_practices.pdf


Yes, it is possible to use Streaming API to get push notifications. Take a look to this link: Streaming API

There you will find multiple examples and how to subcribe to the "events" in order for you to get the desire notifications.

On the section How the Client Connects on that documentnion you get a nice diagram with the process execution to connect to an event. enter image description here

On the Code Example section you can start looking to structures to accomplish what you want.

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