I am using Lightning Experience, I created an App and I set Page D to be my first page when I access the App, there I have a link to Page E. If I log out and access SF again and click on App Launcher and click on my App, it loads the page D, but if I click on the link that I have in Page D that redirects to Page E, I got this error message in console:
Uncaught (in promise)
YB {component: "laf:appLayoutHost$controller$handlePageReferenceTransaction"....
"Action failed: laf:appLayoutHost$controller$handlePageReferenceTransaction [[LAF:AppLayoutHost:extractPageLevelReference] Expected app-level reference but got {"type":"standard__directCmpReference","attributes":{"name":"one:alohaPage","attributes":{"address":"https://xxx-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/apex/Page_E"}},"state":{}}]"
If I click on the Tab that I called Page AD or refresh the page, the issue goes away. However, if I go to App Launcher again, then click on another App, then click back on App Launcher and click on my app again and click on the link to page E, I got the error again.
Page D and Page E are a simple visual force page, nothing fancy because was created for this test. The link is an anchor HTML tag.
<apex:page controller="Page_D_Controller" sidebar="false" >
<!-- Begin Default Content REMOVE THIS -->
<h1>VSF Page D - Final Page</h1>
This is your new Page
<!-- End Default Content REMOVE THIS -->
<br />
<a href="/apex/Page_E">Go to Page E</a>
I recorded it.
This happen for my actual app and I created this app just o validate if this is a general error.
Do you have any idea on how I can avoid/fix this error?