What Needs to Happen: When a user logs into the org, we perceive the attempt as either Successful (correct password), Failed (incorrect password), or Other. If the user fails the login attempt, a User object field 'Failed Attempt Counter' is increased by 1. Once the counter reaches 3, an email is sent.
The Problem: The process above has been created using a Flow/Process Builder, however, since Login Flows are only invoked post-authentication, the Flow only every updates when their is a Successful login attempt. I can call the Flow I've created if I can find a way to invoke it every time a User attempts to log in, but I can't call LoginHistory from a trigger, and the Flow won't start until their is a Successful login attempt.
Question: How do I invoke Apex/Flow/Process Builder Flow whenever someone logs in? Is there a better solution?
The Flow in case you are interested (though not necessary to answer my question):