I am making callout and getting the response. I am fetching the records in the batch of 200 so if there is 400 records there would be 2 callouts and getting data but the issue is second callout response overriding the first one.
And I can see only last 100 records. While in the debug logs I can see 100 and 100 records fetched in both the calls.
Here my class:
integer value = 0;
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
req.setEndpoint( 'https://pi.pardot.com/api/prospect/version/3/do/query?user_key='+userKey+'&'+'api_key='+apiKey+'&'+'output=bulk&format=json&updated_after='+DayValue+'&'+'sort_by=updated_at&sort_order=ascending'+'&'+'offset='+value);
req.setMethod( 'GET' );
req.setBody( 'user_key='+userKey+'&'+'api_key='+apiKey);
req.setHeader('Accept', 'application/json ');
res = new Http().send( req );
wrapper = (PardotProspectWrapper)JSON.deserialize(res.getBody(), PardotProspectWrapper.class);
//this I tried to add to store the data in Pardot_Prospect__c
ppobjlst = new List<Pardot_Prospect__c>();
prospectIdlist = new List<String>();
Pardot_Prospect__c ppobj = new Pardot_Prospect__c();
for (PardotProspectWrapper.prospect p : wrapper.result.prospect) {
ppobj = new Pardot_Prospect__c();
ppobj.Prospect_Id__c = string.valueOf(p.id);
ppobj.First_name__c = p.first_name;
ppobj.Campaign_Name__c = p.campaign.name;
value = value + 200;
public static void insertRecords(List<Pardot_Prospect__c> ppobjlst){
system.debug('**INSIDE the insertRecord method*****'+ppobjlst);
upsert ppobjlst Prospect_Id__c;