Classic console. The visualforce page renders a single button that passes an valueto another visualforce page to launch an existing process that the client does not want to be modified. This code works, but I can only get it to work by opening a new browser tab. openPrimaryTab() methods arent working. I think because the visualforce page that renders the button is inside an iframe on the page layout.
<apex:page standardController="orders__x">
<apex:includeScript value="/support/console/44.0/integration.js"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function startWarrantyClaim(){'/apex/warrantyclaim?orderNum={!orders__x.DEL_DOC_NUM__c}', '_blank');
//sforce.console.openSubTab(null, '', false,'salesforce', openSuccess, 'salesforceTab');
// window.location('');
<apex:commandButton value="New Warranty Claim - Order" onclick="startWarrantyClaim()"/>