I have a trigger that will look at the subject, parse out the customer number which I can match and get the Account.Id value. Once I have the value I want to update the Case.AccountId field with the Account.Id value.
The problem I have is when I do this I get 2 errors when I run a test.
System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 50018000007boyXAAQ; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, CaseReassignQueueBasedOnSubject: execution of AfterUpdate
caused by: System.FinalException: Record is read-only
So I need some help to figure out if I am using the incorrect ID or the wrong after insert/before insert.
trigger CaseReassignQueueBasedOnSubject on Case (after insert) {
List<Account> lstAccount = new List<Account>();
List<Account> account = [SELECT Id, CNUM__c FROM Account];
List<Case> casesToUpdate = new List<Case>();
for (Case c: Trigger.New) {
//validate that the parsing won't fail
if (c.Subject.contains('[')) {
//get CNUM
Integer start_pos = c.Subject.indexOf('[') + 1;
Integer end_pos = c.Subject.indexOf(']',start_pos);
String CNUM = c.Subject.substring(start_pos,end_pos);
System.debug('CaseReassignQueueBasedOnSubject_CNUM: ' + CNUM);
//find the accountId
System.debug('CaseReassignQueueBasedOnSubject_account: ' + account.size());
for (Account la: account) {
if (la.CNUM__c == CNUM) {
System.debug('CaseReassignQueueBasedOnSubject_la.Id: ' + la.Id);
System.debug('CaseReassignQueueBasedOnSubject_la.CNUM__c: ' + la.CNUM__c);
System.debug('CaseReassignQueueBasedOnSubject_c.AccountId: ' + c.AccountId);
c.AccountId = la.Id;
System.debug('CaseReassignQueueBasedOnSubject_c.AccountId: ' + c.AccountId);
if (casesToUpdate.size() > 0) {
update casesToUpdate;
So I have updated my code to what was suggested and came to the below. The only thing I can think of from here is this will not work for bulk inserts
trigger CaseReassignQueueBasedOnSubject on Case (after insert) {
//Get All Accounts
List<Account> account = [SELECT Id, CNUM__c FROM Account];
//Variables for later use
List<Case> casesToUpdate = new List<Case>();
String CNUM = null;
String AccountId = null;
String CaseId = null;
//For each case set variable -- Not working for bulk inserts
for (Case c: Trigger.New) {
//validate that the parsing won't fail
if (c.Subject.contains('[')) {
//get CNUM
Integer start_pos = c.Subject.indexOf('[') + 1;
Integer end_pos = c.Subject.indexOf(']',start_pos);
CNUM = c.Subject.substring(start_pos,end_pos);
CaseId = c.Id;
System.debug('Parsed_CNUM: ' + CNUM);
//find the accountId and set local variable
for (Account la: account) {
if (la.CNUM__c == CNUM) {
System.debug('Account.Id: ' + la.Id);
System.debug('Account.CNUM__c: ' + la.CNUM__c);
AccountId = la.Id;
//Update Case Values
System.debug('Case.Id: ' + CaseId);
List<Case> updateCases = [select AccountId, Id from Case where Id = :CaseId];
for (Case updC: updateCases) {
System.debug('AccountId_NEW_SETTING_VALUE: ' + AccountId);
updC.AccountId = AccountId;
System.debug('updC.AccountId: ' + updC.AccountId);
//Update Cases
System.debug('updateCases: ' + updateCases.size());
if (updateCases.size() > 0) {
update updateCases;