Basically, you can achieve the fucntionality with the following elements:
- Your Input Element
- A collection type attribute
- Method that receives the value
- Method that searches and updates the displayable elements (I split my method, controller and helper)
In the following example, I have a lightning:input component that uses an onchange event handler, as well as a value attribute:
<lightning:input aura:id="query-box" type="search" name="search" placeholder="additional filtering" onchange="{!c.queryElements}" value="{!v.searchInut}"/>
In my controller, I have a method that gets the value in my input elements everytime it changes:
queryElements : function(cmp, event, helper) {
const typedQuery = event.getSource().get('v.value');
const suggArray = cmp.get('v.querySuggestions');
helper.updateList(cmp, event, typedQuery);
and finally, in your helper, add the logic for updating whatever collection type you decide to use:
updateList : function(cmp, event, inp){
let activeSuggestionArray = [];
Logic for evaluating what the input should return
//Finally, update your collection tpye attribute
cmp.set('v.activeList', activeSuggestionArray);
Example component.cmp:
<aura:attribute name="activeList" type="List" default="[]"/>
<lightning:input aura:id="query-box" type="search" name="search" placeholder="additional filtering" onchange="{!c.queryElements}" value="{!v.searchInut}"/>
<ul aura:id="dynamic-ul" >
<aura:iteration items="{!v.activeList}" var="dynLi">
<li aura:id="dynamic-item" >{!dynLi}</li>
when you update your collection type, the aura:iteration will re-evaluate and re-render the displayable elements.