I have a class that has too many SOQL query error. Normally I'd set debug log levels to my DB Trace level
When I run my test method that throws the error, the logs are too large so it only shows 3 queries. In examining the logs I can clearly see that many of the items that should be supressed are not:
According to this documentation, the STATEMENT_EXECUTE and HEAP_ALLOCATE events should only be recorded with Apex Code level finer or higher. The VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT event should only be recorded at Apex Code Finest level.
Since my Apex Code is set to none, these events should not be in my log but they are.
Is this a bug or am I terribly misunderstanding how this all works?
The debug level is on my own user (sf admin). The logs are being generated by running a test method from the dev console. I verified that the dev console has 0 class log level overrides that could be taking priority.