I'am very new to slds.I have used Lightning input type tag for displaying the checkbox.Now checkbox is Appearing in left side.

Present Image:

enter image description here

  <lightning:input type="checkbox"  label="Selected :"  value="{!v.displayComparison.Selected__c}" />


But I need to display checkbox in right side of the label:

enter image description here

Tried code: I have tried this link: Is this possible to position label for inputCheckbox on the right hand side?

   <lightning:input type="checkbox" class="myCheckbox" label="Checkbox label" />


     .THIS .myCheckbox{
       display: inline-block;
     float: left;

Image: enter image description here


2 Answers 2


I am also new to SLDS but I have tried below code with some extra div tag to achieve the same.

<div class="slds-grid slds-wrap">
        <div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-13 slds-p-right_x-small">
        <div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-12">
            <lightning:input type="checkbox" />

below is how this will look like:

enter image description here

Please correct me if this is not what you were trying to achieve.


You can remove the standard label through the variant attribute:

<lightning:input type="checkbox" variant="label-hidden" ...

and add the label text separately.

Though if you want the clicks of the label to change the checkbox you will have to figure out a way to set the for attribute of the label element.


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