What are the standard values for boolean datatype? I have two columns like below in different tables. One table has values like 0 and 1 and the other table has true and false. I need this to set a standard datatype in my target table in Teradata. Teradata does not support Boolean. I have to set BYTEINT or VARCHAR.
autoNumber: false
byteLength: 0
calculated: false
caseSensitive: false
createable: false
custom: true
defaultedOnCreate: true
deprecatedAndHidden: false
digits: 0
filterable: true
groupable: true
idLookup: false
label: IsActive
length: 0
name: IsActive__c
nameField: false
namePointing: false
nillable: false
permissionable: true
precision: 0
restrictedPicklist: false
scale: 0
soapType: xsd:boolean
sortable: true
type: boolean
unique: false
updateable: false