Our product backend has an ID field for each customer's instance of our software, so we have a custom Number field on our SFDC Account object to track each customer's Product_Org_Id__c
. Often folks need data bulk loaded to SFDC accounts, and they supply the Product_org_id__c
value as the unique identifier.
I have to then export all the Account Id values using a dataloader query:
SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Product_Org_Id__c IN (4738, 782, 5623...)
This has always worked just fine. However, the team began setting up new customers on a new "Silo 2" and these get ids in a different format: 4001316002, 4001325002, 4001313002...
i.e. the id values are larger numbers.
When I try to export the account Ids using the same query, it gives me an error whenever I include "Silo 2" id values:
Account WHERE Product_Org_Id__c IN (4001316002, 4001325002, 4001313002
ERROR at Row:1:Column:47
For input string: "4001316002"
The Product_Org_Id__c
field has a datatype of "number" and a length of 18 digits, no decimal places. I cannot for the life of me figure out why Data Loader has an issue with these larger values and not the "Silo 1" values.
Or if anyone can suggest a better way to handle these bulk updates when I'm given a list of product org id values and no SFDC Id values...