When deploying a case path assistant from a sandbox to another I'm getting an error when deploying the package:
Required fields missing: [PicklistMasterId]
We have deployed all fields being used in the case object to this environment as well. What can be causing this error message?
After playing with the Migration Tool, directly with the metadata, I noticed that I can retrieve the path and related metadata, such as:
- BusinessProcess
- CustomField
- PathAssistant
- Queue
- RecordType
- Role
- Settings
And when commenting all the fields in the path metadata the validation succeeds as expected. However, the path would be deployed without its fields. For example:
<!-- <fieldNames>Observations__c</fieldNames> -->
<picklistValueName>Call customer</picklistValueName>
The Observations__c
custom field is a text area field. When commented out, the validation succeeds. Otherwise, I get an error describing that it is not possible to deploy a path step because a picklist value is unsupported. This error doesn't make sense for this specific field.
Am I correct to assume this is an internal error with Salesforce?